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Avenir® Security Wing

Avenir Technologies has been in the market for eight years now, throughout our tenure of operations we have proved to be the most innovative and the fastest growing technology company in Pakistan. Avenir has always practiced a pro active approach towards new market segments. Over the past few years the security situation in Pakistan has led us towards development in the physical security domain. Our research and development team has worked extensively to develop products which can revolutionize the security business today. After viewing and reviewing the security threats and the past unfortunate happenings our team has formulated a few products, variations of which might be available with some international security organizations but are new to the Pakistani market.

Our core focus is on ballistic detection and protection, perimeter intrusion, radio frequency identification based (RFID) real time target tracking and real time facial recognition, tracking and analysis.

The goal behind this development is to enable us to counter terrorism and other security threats to society as well as government, semi government and international organizations.

A brief description of these products will follow

Ballistic Detection
In the past few years explosive devices have become a regularly used weapon of international terrorism as these are cheap and easily accessible. Avenir Technologies is working with a few international organizations on the detection of explosive material from a certain distance. Once fully operation these devices would be able to detect a certain set of commonly used explosives from around a hundred meters
Perimeter Intrusion
Perimeter intrusion is one of the most common security issues in the current age. We have regretfully experienced terrorism activities due to undetected perimeter intrusions around sensitive areas. Our analysis tells us that some of the incidents in the past couple of years could have been avoided if there was a perimeter intrusion system intact on the attacked location. Our perimeter intrusion system uses microwave and infrared technologies to detect movement and issues an intruder alert if fine tuned it can also measure the size and speed of movement of the targeted object which will result in a error free secure zone.
RFID based Tracking
RFID or radio frequency based identification is now a commonly used phenomenon but it is normally used for e-tagging as we have it on our motorways. Avenir has designed a system where a radio frequency identifiable chip can be placed on a vehicle or vehicles in case of a convoy movement and it can be followed electronically. The speeds and the routes can be verified each second from a central control room and immediate action can be taken in case there is a change in the route or speed or if there is some unauthorized movement. Of course for real time monitoring the routes would need to be digitized but that would not be an issue once we experience the true potential of this product.
Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is a ground breaking product which can really help counter most of the security threats we have today. The security of a whole city can be assured sitting in a central command center. Our product is capable of following a suspicious face through the city if given proper video feed or static image input. Once a person is flagged by the security center he/she is automatically followed through city or even beyond that if the infrastructure is in place. A CCTV network would be mandatory to run facial recognition on large scale.

All of these products have been developed keeping a few things in mind. Firstly the security of the security personnel whose lives are at risk each and every second of the day. So by developing and implementing this system we can take the human resource risk factor to its minimum. Secondly to make the system as error free as possible as electronic security is most trusted worldwide. Also keeping in mind the fact, that an electronic security system would be able to access and perform in harsh conditions and in remote areas.

Avenir® Security Wing
  Ballistic Detection
  Perimeter Intrusion
  RFID based Tracking
  Facial Recognition
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