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With our out-of-the-box approach Avenir Technologies is now providing innovative and leading edge business solutions in numerous major industries, helping them channel their business synergies into cost effective and efficient outcomes. Our capabilities enable businesses to realize their plans, no matter how far-fetched they may seem. Long term benefits are what we emphasize on providing to our clients, so that they may achieve prosperous and consistent growth over the years to come.

Manufacturing Industries:
Avenir Technologies has the capabilities to provide user friendly but equally comprehensive software solutions for the manufacturing industries. These solutions would enable manufacturers to better control their resources through wastage minimization and streamline their production processes by identifying and removing redundant sub-processes.

Oil And Gas:
The oil and gas sectors both in the local and international market, are now under pressure due to increasing demand for these vital energy sources. To meet this ever-increasing demand, procedures for identification of new natural deposits, drilling and refining have to be made simpler and effective. Avenir Technologies has the capability to provide various business solutions that are flexible enough to be customized according to the definite needs of this vital industry. From inventory management to ERP solutions, Avenir can help oil and gas exploration companies communicate faster and better with their field offices, remote site offices and installations.

Hospitality Management:
The art of hospitality management is one that requires timeliness and precision. The essence of the hospitality industry lies in the barrier-free communication and interaction between the service providers and their customers. Solutions like the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) allow hospitality service providers to easily keep track of the constantly changing needs of their esteemed clientage, allowing them to stay one step ahead of their competitors. In such an industry, the customer is always more attracted towards proactive companies that take the initiative to understand them and their requirements. Avenir hospitality solutions allow service providers to build long term business relations with their existing customers & provide them the best possible solution as they can.

Non-Government Organizations (N.G.O):
NGO’s are the backbone of international welfare and community service throughout the world. Their global operations require them to have customized solutions that can help them manage their in-house as well as inter-branch coordination. Avenir's paperless environment and project management solutions provide the medium for optimum performance. By providing a single interface for sharing and storing information, Avenir delivers un-cluttered and user friendly methods for carrying out work processes.

Fashion Outlets/Retailers:
Avenir's solutions allow retailers of all kinds to increase sales while reducing costs and maintaining a smaller and more precise inventory. Solutions like the Avenir Point Of Sale (POS) system allow retailers to monitor their inventory and re-order levels at real time.

Pharmaceutical Industry:
The pharmaceutical industry is another major business facet that Avenir has the capability to cater to. Complete automation of drugs manufacturing processes allows producers to maintain a tighter control over quality assurance at every step of the production process. Companies can monitor inventory levels of their own as well as that of the retail outlets wherever they may be. Close monitoring of shelf life of drugs through our solutions also minimizes the threat of expired products being sold to consumers.

Financial Service Providers:
Avenir's comprehensive yet simple accounting and finance solutions brings a world of ease to financial service providers. By automating activities like audits and finance management activities, businesses can monitor their cash inflows and outflows to the last penny.
Technology oriented Services
From website development to RFID(Radio Frequency Identification Device) based security and tracking systems, the world of technology is literally our oyster. Avenir offers solutions for a multitude of technology based industries like telecommunication, security, surveillance, and more.         

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Avenir Technologies providing BPO, E-Commerce, Consultancy, Security, Web Design services
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